Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Reflections on the Chinese

Interviewed a Chinese director of sales with a global company this morning and the man told me that he had chosen this area of specialisation because it was something he was the weakest in. He was determined to master sales and overcome his handicap.

Today, he heads a sales department.

If that isn't impressive, I don't know what is.

But his attitude isn't surprising. I've met Chinese who are determined to excel and upgrade their social standing through education and a great job, and aren't discouraged by tough beginnings. My Chinese classmates in university struggled with spoken English but they insisted on speaking it with me to ensure they learn. Even when they had to use this strange, foreign language in all their tests and exams, they excelled in them.

These Chinese are now competing with Singaporeans for jobs. In fact, they are everywhere competing with anyone for jobs. They can speak Mandarin, the future language of business, as well as English and possibly other languages too. And they aren't afraid of hard work.

If we Singaporeans continue to just stand there and complain about the Chinese coming to steal our jobs, our home, our space, our women/men, instead of thinking how to raise our competitiveness globally, we are doomed.

I'm terrible with Mandarin and I can barely survive more than a week in any Chinese city, but I intend to ensure Titus excel in his mother tongue and be 'export ready' for career opportunities in China.

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